
Consumer Satisfaction Survey

Open Electricity Market Customer Satisfaction Survey

The Energy Market Authority (EMA) conducts a Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) on an ongoing basis to better understand consumers’ experiences in the OEM and their level of satisfation with their retailer. Through this survey, consumers can provide feedback on areas such as their switching experience and level of satisifaction towards their retailer’s services.

Residential consumers who have switched for at least three months1 will receive an invitation to participate in the CSS.

Refer to the links below for the survey findings:
April 2021
October 2020
April 2020
October 2019

Retailer Ratings

To help residential consumers make a more informed decision when choosing a retailer, EMA has introduced a customer satisfaction rating for each retailer. This is done using a 5-point rating scale (5 stars being the highest level of satisfaction achieved) based on the CSS responses of their contracted consumers. Consumers can consider these ratings when deciding on their choice of retailer.

Refer to this page for the latest ratings as of April 2021.

Other useful links:
Scoring framework (updated)
Past retailer ratings

1The lead time of at least three months is to ensure consumers have sufficient experience with their retailer post-contracting to provide a fair rating.
